Empowering the Sabar Community: Through Entitlements & Socio-legal rights
Community Entitlements
Central as well as state government have numerous schemes and programs towards citizens of the country for their upliftment and development. Appropriate documents of identity, residence and eligibility are required to avail these schemes and programs. The historical stigma, discrimination, nomadic lifestyle and isolation from the mainstream society, Sabar tribe remained backward for several decades especially in education. That is the reason many families do not have important documents and certi cates of identity and eligibility. Hence, despite being the most vulnerable and marginalized communities, Sabar tribe communities could not get bene tted by social welfare schemes and programs. Sabar samity has been supporting families to get the required necessary certi cates such ADHAR-UID, voter card, PAN card, MNREGA, caste certi cate, etc. Similarly, hundreds of bank accounts have been opened which are required for receiving direct cash transfer from center and state government. This is achieved by means of spreading awareness among Sabar tribe community and hand holding with the concerned departments. Over a period of time Sabar samity has built an excellent rapport with many public departments, which help them to organize certi cate issuing camps at the respective village or blocks. So far more than thousand of families have received tribal certi cate which not only enable them to avail services but also help to conserve their identity that will help their all next generations.

SDO Manbazar at Amjharna Sabar village: 2001
Entitlement camp at Kuda village with IBCW, Manbazar-I Block
Socio-legal rights
Central as well as state government have numerous schemes and programs towards citizens of the country for their upliftment and development. Appropriate documents of identity, residence and eligibility are required to avail these schemes and programs. The historical stigma, discrimination, nomadic lifestyle and isolation from the mainstream society, Sabar tribe remained backward for several decades especially in education. That is the reason many families do not have important documents and certi cates of identity and eligibility. Hence, despite being the most vulnerable and marginalized communities, Sabar tribe communities could not get bene tted by social welfare schemes and programs. Sabar samity has been supporting families to get the required necessary certi cates such ADHAR-UID, voter card, PAN card, MNREGA, caste certi cate, etc. Similarly, hundreds of bank accounts have been opened which are required for receiving direct cash transfer from center and state government. This is achieved by means of spreading awareness among Sabar tribe community and hand holding with the concerned departments. Over a period of time Sabar samity has built an excellent rapport with many public departments, which help them to organize certi cate issuing camps at the respective village or blocks. So far more than thousand of families have received tribal certi cate which not only enable them to avail services but also help to conserve their identity that will help their all next generations.

Our legal advisor, Bhim Ch. Mahato at Bandwan Police Station
Free Legal Aid Clinik: 1998
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Paschim Banga Kheria Sabar Kalyan Samity